ویدا خلیلی

I'm Vida khalili

<>freelance front-end web developer</>


web development

As a passionate web developer, I specialize in crafting dynamic and responsive websites that not only meet but exceed the expectations of clients. Leveraging my expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, React , ... I create robust and user-friendly web applications that seamlessly integrate functionality with a sleek design. From conceptualization to deployment, I am dedicated to delivering tailor-made solutions that cater to the unique needs of each project. Embracing the latest web technologies and best practices, I ensure that the websites I build are not only visually engaging but also performant and scalable.

web design

As a web designer, I bring a blend of creativity and functionality to every project. I focus on creating visually stunning and intuitive user interfaces that captivate audiences. My design philosophy revolves around a user-centric approach, ensuring that the aesthetics not only reflect the brand identity but also enhance the overall user experience. Proficient in industry-standard design tools, I seamlessly translate ideas into compelling visual narratives. Whether it's crafting a brand new design or revamping an existing one, I am dedicated to delivering aesthetically pleasing and impactful designs that leave a lasting impression.